The Flying Life: What you do and Don’t want to know about Airplane Bathrooms

Ugh! The Airplane Lavatory

Via Thrillist

Don’t say it because we all know that we would rather cut our arm off with a dull piece of broken glass then use the airplane bathroom. Disgusting, revolting and dirty come to mind. And phew! The nostril clearing odor of the previous occupant might knock you flat. So it is interesting to learn that the FAA (which has rules for almost everything) has no rule that airplanes have a working bathroom. Before bathrooms were standard on airplanes a bucket was used, a bucket with a lid, of course. So I avoid the airplane bathroom and try to take care of business before boarding the plane. For those of you who don’t and must use the lavatory here is an interesting article from Thrillist. So live and learn what is “The Whistling shithouse,” Why you should never drink the water from the lavatory faucet, What’s “blue ice poop,” And even tho you can’t smoke in the bathroom why airplanes have ash trays in the bathroom.

By the way did you ever wonder how powerful the vacuum is on an airplane toilet? Watch this video and learn.


Published by Timothy

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